Pet Artificial Grass

As most homeowners are dog owners, artificial grass needs to be a proven solution for a pet-friendly landscape. With our unique pet system, liquids drain right through and droppings can be picked up as they would be with real grass and/or washed off with a hose.

Pet Artificial Grass for homes, dog runs & parks, kenels, Mission Viejo CA

Pet Artificial Grass Landscape System

Our artificial grass is softer and safer than real grass and is the only turf in the world using Microban Technology. Our superb infill is antimicrobial allergen-free, and will in no way harm either children or pets. In fact, our turf is installed in many dogs’ runs,  and homes around Southern California.

No matter how many dogs or how big, our artificial grass will be able to stand up to the wear and tear of their paws and claws. In addition, it also eliminates any problems you have with dirty paws and muddy yards. Artificial grass landscapes are a perfect solution for an attractive, clean, healthy, and comfortable environment for you, your kids, and your pets.

Benefits of Pet Artificial Grass:

There are no brown spots:

When pets continually choose the same spots on the lawn to relieve themselves, brown spots can develop. These are unsightly and hard to reverse.

The surface of artificial grass for pets will stay green as the urine and other wastes don’t have a chemical reaction with the turf. This means a great-looking lush landscape all year long.

No More Digging:

Dog owners may understand this better than others, dogs are famous for digging. They are searching for their bone, toy or just playing and having fun.

Pet Artificial Grass is cleaner:

Say Goodbye to Dirty Paws, Muddy Yards, and Everyday Maintenance!

With artificial grass, messes can easily be cleaned with a spray hose and a mild detergent.

It is easier to prevent fleas and ticks:

Fleas and ticks thrive better in natural grass. With artificial grass, ticks and fleas are almost nonexistent. This is especially good for pets with flea allergies.

Artificial Grass safe to play on, soft to fall on, and affordable: pet owners will enjoy a safe, fun and low maintenance environment for their family and pets. With so many advantages, it is easy to see why home and pet owners are making the switch to artificial grass.

Pet Artificial Grass for homes, dog runs & parks, kenels, Mission Viejo CA
Pet Artificial Grass for homes, dog runs & parks, kenels, Mission Viejo CA

Components of a Pet-Friendly Turf System

Pet artificial grass systems are uniquely designed to be strong, sanitary, and beautiful, so both you and your pet can enjoy and love the new turf landscape. We utilize a five-step installation process to give you the best turf landscape for your home or business. The most essential components are the following:

Base Material: Artificial grass needs to be installed over a foundation of a compacted base material such as crushed rock. This provides a stable surface for the turf, as well as excellent drainage to help wash away liquid pet waste.

Artificial Grass: When properly installed, the artificial grass layer will stay neatly in place no matter how hard your pets play on it.

Drain Core / Drain Mat for DIY Artificial Grass Installation, Mission Viejo
Drain Core or Drain Mat

Designated for areas where maximum drainage and all-weather use are imperative, these cellular ½-inch drainage mats are installed directly under the turf.


  • Can collect and transport as much as 16 gallons per minute
  • Became the forefront of turf technology in the replacement of stone and metal pipes.
  • The Drain Core or Drain Mat underlayment creates airspace between the turf and base foundation.
  • It essentially channels the water and foundation.
Artificial Grass Infill for DIY Artificial Grass Installation, Mission Viejo

An infill that provides stability for synthetic turf. Zeolite is primarily used as an added infill, which is placed under the turf and at the base of the fibers to manage odor control. Zeolite is the #1 choice for pet turf areas for odor control.


  • A natural odor-neutralizing artificial grass infill with an internal fixed and stable honeycomb structure.
  • Neutralizes odors in turf by utilizing its sponge/magnet characteristics to attract and eliminate odors.
  • Maintains the characteristics of any good artificial grass infill and the added benefits of reducing surface temperatures through a process of slow water evaporation.
Turf Install Accessories, for DIY Artificial Grass Installation, Mission Viejo
Simple Green

Simple Green uses powerful, natural microorganisms to neutralize pet odors, quickly removes them, and leaving behind a fresh and clean scent. It is non-toxic, making it safe to use around pets, and is ideal for patios, dog runs, and yards.


  • Neutralizes and eliminates odors from your outdoor spaces
  • Uses powerful and naturally derived microorganisms Safe on lawns and landscaping when used as directed
  • Available at Home Depot, Chewy, Amazon, PetCo, and more…

Each step of our system complements the other to create the perfect blend of great-looking and fresh-smelling artificial grass. Our antibacterial Zeolite Max, urine neutralizing ATD, UV stabilized Pet Turf, Perforated Drain Core to our non-toxic Turf Fresh. This system was designed to meet the needs of pet owners. Whether you have one small pet or a whole family of large animals, the Pet Turf System is what you need.

Landscapes • Putting Greens • Playgrounds • Schools • Dogs & Pets.

Our entire product line is UV stabilized, significantly reducing the chances of fading and going through extensive testing and free of heavy metals, guaranteeing your new addition to be safe for everyone in your family, including your furry pets.

Lawn Pad for DIY Artificial Grass Installation, Mission Viejo, CA

Athletic Fields

Artificial Sports fields can take a lot of damage. As athletes are giving it their all while trying to win a big game or practicing to improve their skills, the field they play on should be just as tough as they are to keep up with their play level. Synthetic grass provides many benefits to indoor and outdoor sports fields and allows athletes to truly give it their all without worrying about what they may be doing to the field they play on every day.

Artificial grass is made to be more durable than natural grass, and this aspect is essential concerning sports fields in Southern California. Synthetic turf can stand up to the hard wear and tear of athletic use, allowing landowners and teams the peace of mind that their field is safe even during the roughest of games.

Whether you are considering synthetic grass for your home to save money and water: or Putting Green to add value and usable space. We are dedicated to providing home and business owners with superior quality artificial grass, paver, and concrete installation service at affordable prices in the Orange County area and other cities in Southern California.

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